7 Ways to support Canton, NC with the Pactiv Evergreen Mill closing

Written by: Ward Plumbing Heating & Air
As a proud local business, Ward Plumbing Heating & Air is deeply saddened by the recent news of the Pactiv Evergreen Mill closing. This unfortunate turn of events will impact not only the employees of the mill but also the entire community of Canton and Western NC. However, as a community, we can come together and support each other during these challenging times. Here are seven ways you can support Canton, NC, with the Pactiv Evergreen Mill closing.

Shop Local:

By working with local businesses, you are helping to keep the local economy thriving. When you buy local, you are keeping money in the community and supporting jobs. Try to buy your goods nearby instead of online and support your local restaurants. Visit https://www.cantonnc.com/business-listings/ to see a listing of Canton businesses.


There are several local organizations that are dedicated to helping those affected by the closing of the mill. By volunteering your time and skills, you can make a real difference in the lives of those impacted.  A great place to start would be the local food kitchen.


Many local organizations are accepting donations to help those affected by the Pactiv Evergreen Mill closing. Even a small donation can make a big difference in someone’s life. These donations do not even need to be monetary. You can donate food to local food banks as well as clothes that you no longer need.  Be sure you fully research/vet the organizations before donating.

Attend Local Events:

Canton, NC is known for its vibrant community events. Attending these events is a great way to show your support for the community and have a good time. Visit https://www.cantonnc.com/category/town-events/ to see upcoming performances, fairs, and more!

There are also many events through Lake Logan from volunteer weekends, a Mother’s Day retreat, Cold Mountain Music Festival and more! Go to https://www.lakelogan.org/event-dashboard/events/ for more information.

Spread the Word:

Share news about the Pactiv Evergreen Mill closing on your social media channels. This can help raise awareness and encourage others to get involved in supporting the community. There are many groups looking to combine resources to help. You can point individuals to milltownstrong.com or facebook.com/milltownstrong to see posts about upcoming job fairs , food assistance and more. Haywood.edu/evergreen/ is working closely with NCWorks.gov to help the people of Canton find work.  

Support Local Schools:

Schools in Canton, NC are likely to be affected by the mill closing. By supporting local schools, you can help ensure that students have the resources they need to succeed. Haywood Community College has training opportunities and even scholarships for those affected.

Get involved

The local government will have many decisions to make, and your voice should be heard. Furthermore, you will likely want to be informed about updates and opportunities.  You can attend city meetings or join your local board or commission. Simply go to https://www.cantonnc.com/agendas-minutes/ to view the opportunities to attend sessions. You can also help by listening to local AM radio stations, finding local representatives on social media, and voting.

As a local business, Ward Plumbing Heating & Air is committed to supporting Canton, NC during these challenging times. We believe that by coming together as a community, we can overcome any obstacle. We encourage you to do what you can to support those affected by the Pactiv Evergreen Mill closing. Together, we can make a difference.
